

Dear list and Dr.Ashburner,


Thanks for your kind response.

When running the HDW module, I ran across a problem that Matlab failed to proceed normally as it stuck at the execution of function spm_warp.

Running job #1
Running 'High-Dimensional Warping'
14      run_warping({1},{1},job.warp_opts,job.bias_opts);
Generating uniform affine transformation field
Warping (iterations=8 regularisation=4)

It just stayed there for almost 3 hrs...


Has anybody run across the same problem before? I have attached my batch with the mail. The purpose is to warp the early scan to late scan within one subject. Is there anything wrong with my setup?  How should I deal with it?


Many thanks and best regards,


----- 原始邮件 -----
发件人:John Ashburner <[log in to unmask]>
收件人:[log in to unmask]
主题:Re: [SPM] Coregistration of Multiple Timepoints of acquisition in HDW in Longitudinal VBM
日期:2012年05月10日 18点38分