

Dear Alexa,

I explored a little bit yet still not sure what exactly you mean by
> A simpler and more usual approach is to test a region x condition  interaction. This is normally done by extracting the parameter estimates from a voxel or region of interest..

Is this parameter estimate the 90% C.I., or the signal change %, e.g.,
calculated from Marsbar?

> For laterality comparisons it is relatively unproblematic, as it is assumed that neural-BOLD coupling is equivalent.

Does this mean that I can only compare the left v.s. right side of a
same group (e.g., from elderly group), but not between groups (of
course the neural-BOLD coupling is equivalent unless there is evidence
for vascular disease like stroke). I guess you mean compare the
calculated laterality between groups.
 Sorry that I don't know how to calculate the laterality in fMRI..
Again using Marsbar and compare signal changes between two hemisphere?
BTW, I don't really know how to use script in Matlab for SPM.

Thank you all very much for nice suggestions!

Best regards,

This is normally done by extracting the parameter estimates from a
voxel or region of interest and performing an ANOVA outside SPM.

On 7 May 2012 23:08, Alexa Morcom <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear Gao
> You are right to observe that apparent laterality differences (or other
> differences in regional distribution of activity) between age groups (or
> indeed between other participant or drug treatment groups, or tasks) may
> reflect thresholding artefacts.
> The approach you mention might support this possibility, although it might
> be difficult to motivate the assumption that the 'top 1000' voxels are
> comparable between groups. You might also inspect unthresholded SPMs.
> A simpler and more usual approach is to test a region x condition
> interaction. This is normally done by extracting the parameter estimates
> from a voxel or region of interest and performing an ANOVA outside SPM. For
> laterality comparisons it is relatively unproblematic, as it is assumed that
> neural-BOLD coupling is equivalent.
> Good luck!
> Alexa
> On 5 May 2012 02:18, Gao Junling <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Dear SPM Experts,
>> Here is a simple yet interesting question.
>> When we do SPM result, we usually set p = 0. 001 (uncorrected) or p = 0.05
>> (FWE correct), then we get the statistical activation mapping and how many
>> voxels activated. My questions is, can we set a specific number of activated
>> voxels (e.g., 1000 voxel totally) and then get the activation map?
>> The reason to do this is that I have two groups of subjects, young and
>> old, although the final activation map is different between young and old.
>> However, after setting a lower threshold for young subjects, I found the
>> activation maps between the two groups are rather similar. This makes me
>> wonder whether I can actually set a total voxel number and see how much
>> similar the maps of the two group will be. My feeling is that the so-called
>> HAROLD model(Hemispheric asymmetry reduction in older adults) might not be
>> an absolute distinction, but a matter of levels of activations.
>> It seems SPMS can only set p-level before you can get total activated
>> voxels. Anyone here know about the other way? Thank you very much!
>> Best wishes,
>> Gao
> --
> Dr. Alexa Morcom
> Centre for Cognitive & Neural Systems
> Centre for Cognitive Ageing & Cognitive Epidemiology
> Psychology, University of Edinburgh
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland,
> with registration number SC005336
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.