

Now open at the Museum of the History of Science, Broad Street, Oxford

‘The Renaissance in Astronomy: books, globes and instruments of the 16th century’

11 May to 9 September 2012

An exhibition by the Royal Astronomical Society and the Museum of the History of Science to mark the 500th anniversary of the birth of Gerard Mercator

The exhibition brings together an outstanding collection of objects to emphasise the craft aspects of astronomical practice in the 16th century.  They include the first printed Almagest (1515), Johann Schoener's celestial globe of c.1534, two copies of the first edition of De Revolutionibus, one of which was owned by Mercator, and the only Mercator globes in Britain.  A complete list is at:

A programme of lectures and other events accompanies the exhibition and the first event will be on the 'Night of Museums', Friday 18 May, 7 to 11 pm, when, in addition to guided tours of the exhibition, we will present 'The Astronomical Workshop': a printer (Richard Lawrence), an instrument-maker (Michael Wright) and a globe-maker (Sylvia Sumira) will be at work in the Basement Gallery.