

Hi, exuce me for my, maybe, stupid question, but I've encountered a problem: overlaying my func data onto hires structural T1 images.

The situation is next:

I have 2mm slice thikness T1 SPGR images with FOV 22x22 cm and matrix 256x256.
also I have fMRI aquired with GRE EPI: FOV 40x40, Phase FOV 0.5, Matrix 64x64, slice thikness 5 mm.

I can't overlay z-stat map onto hires images, because of image dimensions mismatch. Even when I try to rescale hires - I just get hires rescaled to low res dimesion and lowres pixel size ((

Can anybody help me to solve this problem: should I use GRE EPI FOV more close to hires (mybe FOV 25x25, matrix 64x64), but I need to analize that data with EPI FOV 40x40, Phase FOV 0.5. 

What should I do to rescale hires, keeping my resolution, to match my func data (z-stat map).

Thank you in advance, Oleksii.