


I'm just waiting for another 5 day tractography run, and I'm wondering if there are plans to parrallelize probtrackx2 for cluster use.

I did mention to someone at one time that I might do this myself since I want it so much. And I still might, although I'm tied up like everyone else. It seemed a simple problem in principle, and an initial inspection of the code looked like it might be easy enough to implement, but a slightly look closer revealed that the software engineering kind of makes assumptions that might be unfriendly to parallelising it trivially. If I remember right. I'm also not confident in my expertise in what the code is doing. I think I understand it. But I may not.

My preference would be for someone who knew more to adapt it. 

It would radically, radically change what I can do if probtrackx2  was running on a cluster. and presumably it also useful if you have many subjects to analyse, and hence of very general benefit.

So, are there plans? If there simply are not, I will revist the DIY option.

