

*****Apologies for cross-posting*****

MIGRATING HERITAGE: networks and collaborations across European museums, libraries and public cultural institutions, 3 - 4 December 2012, University of Glasgow, UK

International Conference organized by HoA - School of Culture and Creative Arts, University of Glasgow, as part of  EC-funded FP7 project European Museums in an Age of Migrations (MeLA)

Call for Papers

How can museums define new innovative practices, spaces and policies that reflect the challenges of the contemporary processes of globalisation, mobility and migration? This question is being addressed by European Museums in an age of migrations - MeLa (, a 4-year collaborative research project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme, Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities Program (FP7).  MeLa Research Field 3 (, composed by international institutions and led by the University of Glasgow, is organising an international conference to identify and explore innovative trans-national and trans-local partnerships, collaborations and policies between European museums, libraries & other public cultural institutions around the themes of European cultural and scientific heritage, migration and integration, and use of ICTs.  

What are the experiences and effects of collaboration, partnerships and networks around the core activities of archiving, preserving, displaying history and artefacts, and the associated categories and hierarchies of cultural value and identity? Is it possible to allow more flexible and heterogenic connections of public cultural institutions within the European/Mediterranean space?  How are museums, libraries and public cultural institutions presenting themselves and interact with multicultural audiences? What guidelines and policies could be suggested to support networking between European museums, libraries and public cultural institutions around the themes of European cultural and scientific heritage, migration and integration?

Confirmed invited speakers
.	Sharon MacDonald (Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester)
.	Rebecca Kay and Alison Phipps (Professors at University of Glasgow and convenors of Glasgow Refugee Asylum and Migration Network)
.	Agnès Arquez Roth (Directrice réseau et partenariats, Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration) 
.	Dr Bernhard Serexhe (Chief Curator of ZKM Media Museum)
.	Katherine Watson (Director of European Cultural Foundation)

.	Case studies on museums, libraries and public cultural institutions collaborating for European integration
.	Operative approaches to multiculturalism, interculturalism, transculturalism in public cultural institutions
.	National and transnational collaboration models: partnerships, cooperation, coordination
.	European cultural policies, migration and mobility
.	Identity, memory and heritage in European museums, libraries and public cultural institutions
.	Studies on European narratives and cultural points of divergence and commonality 
.	Contested European cultural and scientific heritages in a post-migratory world 
.	Visitor experiences in collaborative projects involving European museums, libraries and public cultural institutions
.	Archiving, preservation and exhibition technologies in relation to migration and mobility
.	Politics of migrating objects, including repatriation
.	Cross border tourism, customs and border policies, including souvenirs and museum replicas

Authors are requested to submit 500 words abstracts and 300 words bio by 16 July 2012, followed by full papers (max 7 pages) by 14 December 2012. Abstract and paper submissions should follow the general Ashgate submission guidelines ( and must comply with the formatting instructions. All abstracts and papers should be submitted in PDF format via the EasyChair online submission system at . You will need to sign up for an account for submitting your abstract and paper. An international panel of experts will review the submissions.

Important dates
Abstract and bio submission: 16 July 2012 Author notification: August 20, 2012
Conference: December 3-4, 2012
Camera ready (full paper): December 14, 2012

Conference special sessions
.	GRAMNet- Glasgow Refugee Asylum and Migration Network ( 
.	Europeana, portal endorsed by the European Commission providing a single access point to millions European cultural and scientific heritage digital object (

More information and contact
Contact chairs at [log in to unmask]

With best wishes from MeLa RF03 Organising Commitee

Perla Innocenti
Research Fellow

History of Art
School of Culture and Creative Arts
University of Glasgow
8 University Gardens
Glasgow, UK, G12 8QH

Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone:  +44(0)141 330 7308
Fax:  +44(0)141 330 3513