

On 29/05/12 19:49, Dayana Nisbar wrote:
> I need help with finding water in my protein structure using Coot.
> I tried to find water with peaks above 1.6 sigma for both the 2Fo-Fc and mFo-DFc maps.
> The result were 253 water molecules found for 2Fo-Fc map and 563 water molecules found for mFo-DFc map.
> My question is....
> 1) Why  is it the number of water molecules are different?

Because the map you are searching are different.  The peaks have 
different positions, shape and distance to protein atoms.

> 2) Which map should we use to correctly place the water molecules?

I prefer the 2Fo-Fc style map.  You could create a weighted average of 
these maps if you wish.

> 3) What is the sigma cut-off for finding water?

How "deep" do you want to delve into you map?  There is a lot of shape 
at 0.1 rmsd - do you want to model that?  (Most people do not).  Most 
people are happy to model density features around 1 rmsd for 2FoFc-style 
map and around 3 rmsd for the difference map.  (Not to say, of course, 
that 1 rmsd has much meaning for 2FoFc-style map, but as a rule of 
thumb, it is not bad at about 1.8-2.2A and solvent content 55+/-7% in my 

> 4) How can I validate these water molecules?

Other than the water validation built into Coot of course, you could 
also try Whatcheck.

