


Why don't you introduce TEV-cleavage site? You can clone it between His-
and sumo-protein_of_interest (if you want co-crystallise sumo with your
protein) or between His-sumo and protein_of_interest (if you want to
crystallise your protein only).


On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Gloria Borgstahl <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> My fellow crystallographers,
> We are thinking the SUMO/His vectors would be nice to have in the lab
> aresenal... but.  The stumbling block is that the protease needed for
> cleavage is very expensive at crystallography scale.  SUMO(ULP-1)
> protease costs ~$700/mg fusion protein.   It would not be a problem
> for labs using micrograms of protein, but is prohibitive at our level
> of protein purification.
> Has anyone found a way around this?  Your pal, Gloria