

Dear fellow IPEGers

I am putting together a series of panels for the upcoming CRESC annual Conference—Promises: Crisis and Socio-Cultural Change at the University of Manchester (September 5-7, 2012) 
-- Dr. Johnna Montgomerie
Roundtable and Panel Proposal: Promises for a more Responsible Capitalism
Roundtable Participants:
Richard Murphy (Tax Justice Network), Nick Hildyard (Cornerhouse), Damon Gibbon (Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion), Sargon Nissan (Independent Financial Analyst), Janet Williamson (Trade Union Congress)
When the financial crisis began in 2007 governments moved decisively to prop up a collapsing financial system with the promise of reform in the future. Now the financial services industry is back to business-as-usual as the impetus for fundamental reform now seems lost to calls for national competitiveness and claims to necessity in order to prevent deeper economic slowdown. This panel explores the (failed) promises for a more responsible capitalism, in the midst of rolling crises and failed recovery. Our aims to bring together, and to bring into dialogue, papers that address: policy proscriptions, political reform, social movements and/or other forward looking perspectives.
*What does a more responsible capitalism look like? How can these goals be achieved by social movements, political reform, new market regulation and/or institutional redesign? 
*When capitalism and political elite are more than able to out think its critics, how does the need for substantive reform capture popular imagination?
*How might ‘the economy’ be made more accountable and how is the idea of social responsibility to be thought into market practices and policies at national and international levels? 
*How might a reformed capitalism deal with social needs, from access to a living wage to dealing with impact of climate change? 
If you would like to participate please email me directly at [log in to unmask] and prepare a title and 200 word abstract by Wednesday May 30th, 2012
For more information about the conference including the programme, registration and location details, please follow the link:
This year’s keynote speakers include:
• Barbara Adam (Social Sciences, Cardiff University)
• Robert Boyer (ENS, Paris)
• Aditya Chakrabortty (The Guardian) 
• Will Hutton (Hertford College, Oxford University)
• Paul Mason (BBC Newsnight)
• Elizabeth A. Povinelli (Anthropology, Columbia University)
In consideration of the on-going cuts in public spending the cost of this year’s full conference registration (including lunch and refreshments) has been reduced to £175 for those booking before the 31st July. 

Dr. Johnna Montgomerie
Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC)
University of Manchester
178 Waterloo Place, Oxford Road
Manchester, M13 9PL
T: 44 161 275 8997
M: 44 7833 675 292
F: 44 161 275 8886

CRESC is a collaboration between the Open University and the University of Manchester. For the latest news on CRESC activities visit our website at