Research Evaluation - Whose Impact is it Anyway?'

Registration will be open on Friday for the 'TalkScience' event on Impact on the 19th June 2012; a joint event developed by the British Library and the Society of Biology.

The evening will be a Chaired panel discussion bringing together researchers, funders, and HE leaders to explore the issue from a range of perspectives.

The members of the panel are:

·         William Cullerne Bown (Founder and Publisher of Research Fortnight) - Chair

·         Professor Douglas Kell (Chief Executive of the BBSRC)

·         Dr Chris Hale (Deputy Director of Policy at Universities UK)

·         Professor Nick Tyler CBE (Head of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, UCL)

·         Professor Geraint Rees (Director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL)

The event will comprise a 20 minute introduction by the panel followed by discussion between the audience and panel members.  Our target audience is researchers and stakeholders in science, and we aim to have 60-80 people in the audience. The event will be quite informal and we hope to have a broad representation of different perspectives on Research Evaluation from the audience.

We are keen to hear your views on how the elusive measure of impact should influence the inner workings of research groups, and what the expectations of researchers and funders should be.