

Astrology in general is calculated based on one's latitude and longitude at the time of birth. So one's position on Earth is certainly Macrcosmically relevant.

Kevin L. Davis

--- On Wed, 5/16/12, Khem Caigan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Khem Caigan <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: [ACADEMIC-STUDY-MAGIC] Is the direction of circumambulation affected by hemisphere?
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2012, 5:37 PM

On 5/16/2012 @ 3:25 PM, Kevin Davis doth schreibble :
> These associations are not so much based on any one tradition as on the
> fact that most of these traditions developed in the Northern Hemisphere.
> From this standpoint the Sun moves clockwise across the sky, thus this
> would be "lucky";i.e., the natural order of things. Widdershins is
> opposite and thus moves "against nature".
> In the Southern Hemisphere the directions are the same, but one's
> relation to the Sun in opposite. Deosil is then backwards (as the South
> Pole is then your "up") and so on. Individual traditions have little to
> do with it; it is based on one's relation to the Sun as you stand on Earth.

Exactly! And, with regard to Astrology and Astrological Magic,
I would add, these associations are based upon one's relation
to the /Planets/ as you stand upon the Earth, as well.

The so-called 'Chaldean Order', for example, arranges the Seven
Planets according to their apparent velocity as perceived by an
observer upon Earth's surface - Moon fastest/lowest, followed by
Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and the slowest/highest is

Cors in Manu Domine,

~ Khem Caigan
<[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]>

"Heat and Moisture are Active to Generation;
Cold and Dryness are Passive, in and to each thing;
Fire and Air, Active by Elementation;
Water and Earth, Passive to Generation."

'Of the Division of Chaos'
-Dr. Simon Forman