

We are trying to get online access to the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, published by American Association for Cancer Research.  Our subscription agent tells us the only way an Institution can buy it is as part of the Cancer Prevention Package, which we have duly paid up for.  However, access seems to be via AACR's Prevention Portal at  From here you can search for articles from all the titles in the package, arranged by topic, but cannot browse the individual issues.  On the right hand side of the page are links to the individual journals, but if you try them, the recent content is unavailable, which would be very confusing to our readers.  Has anyone found a way to link straight to the journal homepages for this package?

The additional frustration we have with this online-only package is that the publisher wants to restrict access to University-owned computers in the library building only, with IP recognition and no remote or proxy access.  As a large number of our users have their own laptops which they prefer to use even when in the library this seems unnecessarily restrictive. Does any one have an opinion on publishers who impose such strict conditions?

Alison Baker

Library and Learning Centre

University of Surrey





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