

--omatrix2 outputs a seed voxels to voxels in target2 mask space matrix, whereas --s2tastext outputs an ASCII matrix of connection counts between seed voxels and target masks along the lines of --os2t.  At least this is what I think it does. 



From: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Xiangzhen Kong
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 10:44 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [FSL] --s2tastext vs. --omatrix2


Hi all,


AS --s2tastext and --omatrix2 both output a N seeds X M targets matrix, what is the difference between them?

As I understand, the former produces a N seed-voxels X M target-masks matrix, while the latter outputs a N seed-voxels X M target-voxels.

Is this correct?






--s2tastext  Output seed_to_target information as a text file. This is a ASCII text file with a matrix that is

               N seeds X M targets.

--omatrix2      Output SeedsXTarget2 connectivity matrix. Typically, the seed can be grey matter, and target2 the 

                  rest of the brain (eventually low res version).


Xiangzhen Kong