


What I want is to get a Jacobian determinant from MNI152.nii.gz to
struc.nii.gz (see below for the details). I would like to calculate atrophy
rate of a specific region obtained from one given FSL atlas. However, I do
not want to change raw structural images (not like what others did).

I have a structure image (struc.nii.gz) and have normalized it to MNI152
space (let me call the template MNI152.nii.gz) with non-linear
transformation. Thus, I have the corresponding warp coefficients
(warp_in_MNI.nii.gz) and Jacobian field from struc.nii.gz to MNI152.nii.gz.
It seems not difficult. I did the following steps:

1) invwarp --ref=struct --warp=warps_in_MNI --out=warps_in_struct

2) fnirtfileutils --in=warps_in_struct --ref=struct --jac=struc_jac
at this step I get this error "fnirtfileutils: Can presently only generate
Jacobian from coefficient files"
This error indicates that warps_in_struct.nii.gz does not like the
coefficients output (-cout) from flirt. Some information may be loss during
this inverse step.

I do appreciate if someone could share some ideas to deal with that.


Liang Wang, PhD
Neuroscience of Attention and Perception Laboratory
Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ, 08540