

MobiCC 2012 Call for Paper

In the past few years, mobile devices and wireless communication
technologies have developed rapidly. With the explosion of mobile
applications and user demands, some characteristics of mobile devices such
as limited resources (e.g., computation and storage capacity, battery
power, etc.) significantly impede the improvement of QoS. Mobile Cloud
Computing (MobiCC) is born to tackle these limitations by integrating cloud
computing into the mobile environment. It enables users to elastically
utilize resources in an on-demand fashion, takes full advantages of cloud
computing, and brings new types of services and facilities to users by
providing ubiquitous service access. Several organizations have predicted
that cloud computing will completely transform the way in which mobile
applications and services are acquired, developed and used.

However, there are still many obstacles for MobiCC, including service
availability, mobility management, security, privacy, energy efficiency,
etc. These problems must be carefully addressed before mobile could become
the next big thing. This workshop seeks to bring together researchers and
practitioners interested in all aspects of mobile cloud computing,
including but not limited to:

   - New architecture of middleware and applications in mobile cloud
   - Distribution of resources and computation between mobile devices and
   the cloud
   - Measurement and modeling for mobile cloud computing
   - Task or resource out-sourcing
   - Transmission protocols and scheduling algorithms for mobile cloud
   - Availability and reliability of mobile cloud services
   - Fairness and isolation of mobile devices in the cloud
   - Collaborative operations in mobile cloud computing
   - Data sharing and collaboration
   - Mobile multimedia content delivery with cloud computing
   - Software structure for mobile cloud application
   - Cloud-based mobile media system
   - Mobile social network in cloud computing
   - Location based services in mobile cloud environment
   - Context-aware services and computing
   - Energy-aware wireless communication technologies for mobile cloud
   - Security and privacy protection in mobile cloud computing
   - Novel mobile cloud computing applications and systems

This workshop invites authors to submit full papers representing original,
unpublished work in all areas of mobile cloud computing (MobiCC) that are
not concurrently under review elsewhere. All submissions will be reviewed
by the Program Committee.

Submitted manuscripts may not exceed a total of 6 single-spaced
double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE
conference style), including figures, tables and references. The page
limitation may change according to the requirement of ICCC’12

The deadline of full papers submission for MobiCC 2012 is May. 14, 2012.
The submission webpage is
Submission instructions are available at:

*Important Dates:*

*Paper Submission:  *14 May 2012
*Accept. Notification:  *15 June 2012
*Camera-Ready Paper: *30 June 2012
*Workshop date: *15 August 2012