

X-rays for minor head trauma

Masters SJ, et al. Skull x-ray examinations after head
trauma. Recommendations by a multidisciplinary panel and validation study.
N Engl J Med 1987;316(2):84-91.

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 06:17, Jeremy Howick <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

>   Hi,
>  There are well-known examples of therapies that were not evidence-based
> and were shown to be harmful (treating stroke with leeches applied to the
> anus, treating ventricular arrhythmias after myocardial infarction with
> antiarrhythmic drugs, etc.)
>  I'm looking for parallel examples of diagnostic tests or strategies that
> have been introduced without sufficient evidence and subsequently were
> revealed to be useless or harmful when the tests were rigorously evaluated
> in unbiased tests.
>  Jeremy

Carlos A. Cuello-García, MD
Centre for Evidence-Based Practice & Knowledge Translation
Iberoamerican Cochrane Collaboration
Tecnologico de Monterrey School of Medicine & Health Sciences
Editorial Board, The Journal of Pediatrics <>
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