

Dear All
Just a reminder to indicate your interest in attending the diffusion workshop happening  here in Cardiff on 24th April. 
We are looking at a full day (9 - 6 p,m.) with plenty of time for discussion.
As we are laying on coffee  / tea / lunch and a wine reception at the end of the day,  it would be really useful if you could indicate whether you are planning to come along, so that we can sort the catering.     (Note - there will be a more 'formal' notification soonish - but this is just to get a feel for numbers) 
I'm very pleased to report the official line-up for the meeting which includes the pioneers of the techniques that we all know and love!   
Diffusion MRI Royalty!
(in alphabetical order)
The idea is to have a really open and frank discussion about the current state of the art, where we're at, where we might be missing something, information that we might capitalize upon.  Plenty of time has been scheduled in to meet the speakers, and to get involved in discussions.   I hope you can make it. 
Here's the Doodle link:
Cheers for now
Derek K Jones
School of Psychology
Cardiff University
Park Place
CF10 3AT
Tel: +44 (0)29  2087 9412
Fax: +44 (0)29 2087 0339