

On 4/8/12 1:44 PM, Aleksandar Donev wrote:
> Hello,
> A question. If you have an array of size 3 in a namelist, in the
> namelist you can do:
> array(1)=5
> to set just the first value. But if I do
> array=5

Not enough values provided.  Try array = 3*5.  Here's an example

program aleks
   implicit none
   integer array(3)
   namelist /nm/ array

   array = 1
   print *, array
   open (unit=10,file="nm.dat")
   read (10,nml=nm)
   print *, array
   read (10,nml=nm)
   print *, array
end program aleks

 > cat nm.dat
&nm array(:) = 3*5/
&nm array(1) = 3/

 > ./a.out
  3,  2*5


> it seems the compilers I use accept this but also only change the first
> value of array. Is this a bug or feature? If the above syntax is at all
> allowed (missing values for the array elements), then I would have
> thought it should either be read as "array syntax" and assign all 3
> elements the value of 5, or give some I/O error about incomplete field.
> I cannot figure out where these rules are in the standard however.
> Thanks,
> Aleks

Bill Long                                           [log in to unmask]
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Bioinformatics Software Development            fax:   651-605-9142
Cray Inc./Cray Plaza, Suite 210/380 Jackson St./St. Paul, MN 55101