

James makes an important point. I've come to regret my joke as showing poor manners. I hesitate to add to more email that no one cares about, but I do think it is important to contribute the idea that the positive tone of this forum needs to be protected.  I apologize, and  suggest my comments should have been offered directly and off-line in order to be constructive and not off-putting to others who would want to contribute or ask questions.


On Apr 3, 2012, at 10:01 PM, "James Stroud" <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:

On Apr 3, 2012, at 7:19 PM, Katherine Sippel wrote:

I would also consider looking into adding an RSS feed to your site so that those people interested in your articles can be informed without spamming the boards.

Why continue to punish him? Adding an RSS feed means installing and configuring an RSS server. Aren't there rules against cruel and inhumane punishment?

There are many free newsfeed disseminators. Twitter is the most famous. There are others, maybe better, so I'm not being a twittervangelist here.

My point is this: free and easy is better than difficult.
