

I think this will be resolved for SPM12.  Guillaume seems to have
already been on the case with this one.

Best regards,

On 8 March 2012 20:29, Kwaku Akrofi <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear SPM Team,
> I have been using batch files for convenient fMRI image preprocessing and model specification. I usually use the "Realign: Estimate and Reslice" module for realignment, and I am able to pass on the motion parameters text file as a dependency to the "fMRI model specification" module as a Dependency.
> I now want to use "Realign and Unwarp" instead for realignment and unwarping, but it does not allow me to pass the text file as a Dependency to "fMRI model specification". I have checked my folders and I can confirm that a text file is indeed written for the motion parameters. I have also applied the r4667 update. I still cannot pass the text file as a Dependency.
> Could you please look into this matter for me?
> Thanks and regards,
> Kwaku.