

Hello list,

I received the following error message when I try to run results report on a first-level model.
Curiously, yesterday this very same results report ran fine, with no errors.
Can anyone advise what the error means and how to remedy it?

with grateful thanks

SPM8: spm_results_ui (v4661)                       19:24:14 - 09/03/2012
    SPM computation                 :                        ...done
??? Incorrect usage.

Error in ==> spm_mip at 109
d    = spm_project(Z,round(XYZ),dim,DXYZ,CXYZ);

Error in ==> spm_mip_ui at 254

Error in ==> spm_mip_ui at 148
    varargout={spm_mip_ui('Display',varargin{1:end})}; return

Error in ==> spm_results_ui at 385
    hMIPax = spm_mip_ui(xSPM.Z,xSPM.XYZmm,M,DIM,hMIPax,units);

??? Error using ==> [hReg,xSPM,SPM] = spm_results_ui;
Incorrect usage.

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback