

Hello everyone,

 I'm having a problem accessing some of my AAL files, and I wonder if it has something to do with the directory/filepath they are in.

 Here are the instructions from the "ReadMe" file in AAL. and here's what I've been typing in (in bold) 

v.2 Launch matlab
 *matlab>spm *
 *change directory TO the aal directory (C:/PROGRAMS/MATLAB/R2011b/SPMUPDATE//TOOLBOX/aal*
V.3 launch aal
 *>> aal*
V.4 Choose a labeling procedure.
 *Extended local maxima labeling*
V.5 Select the desired contrast, mask, probability and extent threshold like in
the regular spm_result
 *I did this*
V.6 For "Extended local maxima labeling" input the local maxima radius of the
sphere in millimeters (default 10 mm).
 *10 mm*
V.7 Select the anatomical parcellation database :
In /usr/local/soft/spm99/toolbox/aal
 *I used the filepath where I had stored my aal i.e. C:/PROGRAMS/MATLAB/R2011b/SPMUPDATE//TOOLBOX/aal*
 *I loaded the file ROI_MNI_V4.img*
Error using load
Unable to read file C:\Program: No such file or directory.
Error in gin_list_plabels (line 358)
eval(['load ',strrep(MNI,'.nii','_List.mat')]);
Error in gin_rclusters (line 24)
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
, I'm using the AAL toolbox for SPM5. (I am using SPM5 Update ) would the solution given below for SPM8 aal work for the gin.... errors?
 there has been changes in spm_P/spm_P_RF's output arguments with the latest SPM8 update. To fix AAL, edit these 3 files: gin_clusters_plabels.m gin_list_dlabels.m gin_list_plabels.m they all contain a line: [P Pn Em En EN] = spm_P(1,k,u,df,STAT,R,n,S); that you should replace with: [P Pn Em En] = spm_P(1,k,u,df,STAT,R,n,S); I hope this helps, Guillaume.