Call for Special Sessions

WCSS 2012

4th World Congress on Social Simulation

September 4-7, 2012

National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

Social sciences are moving in a direction in which their various constituent parts are sharing a common set of foundations, languages and platforms, which makes the social sciences be unprecedentedly behavioral, algorithmic and computational. At the turn of the 21st century, a group of computer scientists and social scientists worked together to initiate new series of conferences and to establish new academic organizations to give momentum to this emerging integration now known as computational social sciences.

Among the largest of such conferences, WCSS is sponsored by the three regional scientific associations on social simulations: ESSA (the European Social Simulation Association), PAAA (Pacific Asian Association for Agent-based Approach in Social Systems Sciences) and CSSS (Computational Social Science Society, US). It aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields on social simulations, whether theoretical, experimental, practical, or technical, to present the latest results of various researches and to discuss emergent phenomena and modeling issues of a variety of research subjects related to social simulations, which will provide further understanding on social complex problems.

We invite special sessions of topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. Tools and methods:
  2. Theory:
  3. Applications of Agent-based Modeling:

The proposal of a special session, with a maximum of 500 words, has to be submitted to the program chair Chung-Ching Tai at [log in to unmask], no later than April 1, 2012. The decision will be made within two weeks. Once approved, the special session call will be announced on the website. The organizer(s) will have their own committee to review the paper submitted to the special session(s), and then make acceptance decisions and prepare their own program in due course. Normally, each session should have a minimum of three papers and a maximum of five papers. The following information should be included in the proposal:

The registration fee for the special session organizer is waived. All papers accepted and presented in the special sessions will be treated equally in terms of the post-conference publication opportunities.

April 1, 2012: Special session, workshop, and tutorial proposal deadline
May 1, 2012: Paper submission deadline
June 16, 2012: Paper acceptance notification
July 06, 2012: Early registration deadline
July, 24, 2012: Camera-ready copies of accepted papers due
September 4-7, 2012: Conference Dates

A series of WCSS proceedings have been and will be published by Springer as a consequence of the successful WCSS2006, WCSS2008, and WCSS2010. Outstanding submissions presented in WCSS2012 will also be selected to be published as book chapters in the WCSS proceedings.