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C16 - 2012 Young Scientist Prize in Plasma Physics


The IUPAP Commission16 Young Scientist Prize recognizes exceptional achievement in the study of plasma physics by scientists at a relatively junior stage of their career. One prize will be awarded in 2012. The recipient must be no more than eight years post PhD (excluding career interruptions) by the deadline of the competition, and is expected to have displayed significant achievement and exceptional promise for future achievement in an area of plasma physics.
Nomination Requirements and Deadline for Submission:

A complete nomination packet submitted by a senior nominator will consist of an up-to-date CV of the candidate, an award citation of 30 words or less, publication citation statistics, two letters of support from senior scientists including one from the nominator, up to three salient publications co-authored by the nominee, and a one-page statement by the nominee explaining the overall significance of the work. One of the two support letters must be from a senior scientist who was not a former supervisor of the nominee at either the graduate or postdoctoral level. The entire package should be submitted by email to the C16 Chair Bob Bingham<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by 20th April, 2012.

The Prize:

The Prize will consist of 1,000 Euro and a Medal and Certificate.

Prize Selection:

The prize selection committee will consist of C16 commission members. The Prize winner will be announced on the IUPAP website.

Prize Presentation:

The IUPAP C16 Young Scientist Medal will be awarded in 2012 at the opening session of the EPS/ICPP Plasma Physics conference in Stockholm, from 2th July – 6th July 2012.

IUPAP welcomes applications from outstanding women and other underrepresented groups.

Dr Ruth Bamford (McCrea)
Space Plasmas Group

RAL Space
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus,
OX11 0QX , U.K.
Tel.: +44 (0) 1235 44 6517 ( 9 - 3pm)
Mobile: +44 (0) 77 87 37 47 50
Email: [log in to unmask]<applewebdata:[log in to unmask]>
SkyPe: ruth_bamford
"My spelling is wobbly. It's good spelling
but it wobbles and the letters get in the wrong places"
- Winnie the Pooh
Hav patients with dyslexics our brians are werd difrently....

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