Not sure exactly what you mean, but I'll try:
A more direct way of calculating the number of xing fibres in FDT is using mean_f2samples and some level of threshold.
E.g.: fslstats mean_f2samples -l 0.05 -V

If you have two such images from two processing pipelines, you can calculate their differences and/or overlap using fslmaths.


On 9 Mar 2012, at 23:56, Wayne Su wrote:

Mask of crossing fibres
I’m trying to compare two different DTI processing approaches. I used “fslstats -t dyads2_thr0.05 –V” to calculate the number of voxels having crossing fibres. But I don’t know how to get the mask which can show the difference between two approaches. I can see the difference by using line mode in fslview. However I need to produce the mask for better view.


Saad Jbabdi
University of Oxford, FMRIB Centre

JR Hospital, Headington, OX3 9DU, UK
(+44)1865-222466  (fax 717)