

Hi - possibly you have other large processes running at the same time?  Check RAM/swap with top

Are you sure you're running a 64-bit version of FSL on a 64-bit OS on a 64-bit hardware?


On 26 Mar 2012, at 15:28, Henning Holle wrote:

Dear list-members,

I have (successfully) carried out a tbss analysis on FA data, as described on the website. Now I want to have a look at some non-FA data as well. The script tbss_non_fa runs fine for while (I checked all the filenames), but keeps on exiting with an out-of-memory error when projecting the images onto the mean skeleton. The same computer *was* able to process the FA images, so I don’t see why non_FA could be  so much  more demanding in terms of RAM. I have already tried the most powerful machine available in our department (8GB RAM, and a big swap), but still the same outcome. Any pointers would be most welcome

merging all upsampled L2 images into single 4D image
projecting all_L2 onto mean FA skeleton Image Exception : #99 :: Out of memory terminate called after throwing an instance of 'RBD_COMMON::BaseException'



Stephen M. Smith, Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Associate Director,  Oxford University FMRIB Centre

FMRIB, JR Hospital, Headington, Oxford  OX3 9DU, UK
+44 (0) 1865 222726  (fax 222717)
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