

I try to analyse a series of T2 relaxation pseudo 3Ds. I could import three of them without problems. The fourth is from the same spectrometer and same sample, with the same acquisition parameters. Only difference is inside the pulse program (some delays and pulses are different). In this case after open new spectrum I can see it in "Experiments" where it behaves completely alike the other pseudo 3Ds as well as in "spectra" where it works normal too exapt that there is no entry for that spectrum in the tab "tolerances". But it appears in non of my windows. In the tables where I can decide which spectra should bee shown in which window this pseudo 3D does not exist. In the "NMR series", there is an entry for the experiment, but I am not able to mark it to see it in the lower region of "NMR lists" or to change parameters for this series.
I started with version 2.2.2 yesterday, so I am not sure if I imported the first three pseudo 3Ds with 2.2.2 or before with 2.1.5 (?).
Do you have an idea what mistake the program or I could have made?
Best regards!
Monika Beerbaum
AG Schmieder
Leibnitz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin
Tel.: +49/0-30-94793-233
Fax.: +49/0-30-94793-169