

*apologies for x-postings*

Memebrs of the group may be interested in attending the next event in the Myths and Realities Series to be held in the British Library Conference Centre on the 13th March.

Increased surveillance, security checks and CCTV are all increasingly deployed to support efforts to fight crime and terrorism. Recent reports suggest there are almost two million CCTV cameras in the UK: one for every 32 of us. But what impact do these cameras have on crime, on our perceptions of our own personal security, and on civil liberties? Join Dr Kirstie Ball, Reader in Surveillance and Organisation, Open University, and Dr Peter Fussey, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, University of Essex, as the discuss the complex evidence and issues surrounding the impact and effectiveness of surveillance. The evening will be chaired by Professor Bridget Hunter, Professor of Risk regulation at the London School of Economics.  Tickets can be booked by using the following link:

We are pleased to be able to hold this event in conjunction witht he ESRC and the AcSS.

With kind regards,

Robert Davies,
Engagement Support Officer for Social Sciences, The British Library
twitter: @BLrobertdavies

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