

Dear all,

I'm using DARTEL to normalize my functional images. For that purpose,
I transform the results to MNI space.

Now I have a peak activation in my group results and would like to
know approximately where the coordinate lies in individual functional
space. This was quite simple in unified segmentation, but it seems to
involve too many transformations to carry this out in a good way using

I used affine transformation to transform the coordinate from MNI to
template space, then I was planning to continue to create an image
with that one point and transform that back, but now I realize how
many transformations it would be:
MNI -> Template -> individual anatomical (size like template) ->
individual anatomical -> functional.

Is there any good way to do this transformation more directly, without
using the step of creating an image in between? Maybe some code
snippets I could use or a hint which lines of code carry out the
inverse warping?

Any advice about the steps necessary for this would be highly appreciated!

Thanks for your help!