

Dear All

Volume 2 Issue 1 of the Journal of Pedagogic Development will go to the printers on Friday and will also be available at (as before). We hope you enjoy it. 
We also hope that you will consider submitting a paper or an article to the Journal for Volume 2 Issue 2. The Journal has a worldwide readership and both an ISBN and an ISSN for citation purposes. As long as your theme is connected in some way to pedagogy, we are happy to discuss and to read your ideas. We are very keen to include colleagues who might not have published much in the past, just as we are more established writers. 

If you are in any doubt, please query. 

If you would like to be considered for Volume 2 Issue 2, the submission deadline is May 30. Publication will be in July. However, we are open to submissions all the year round for future issues. 

Please feel free to pass this message to any colleagues who might be interested. 
We hope to hear from you soon. 

David Mathew
Andrea Raiker 

Kind Regards

David Mathew
Centre for Learning Excellence
University of Bedfordshire
Park Square, D006 
Bedfordshire LU1 3JU

44 (0)1582 743064 for the new Journal of Pedagogic Development