

The School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University  is hosting an Advances in Biographical Methods Research Symposium: Creativity, Innovation and Application  on May 17th 2012.

Speakers include: Professor Brian Roberts, Professor Janice Haaken, Professor Andrew Sparkes, Professor Maggie O'Neill, Dr. Kip Jones and Dr. John Given. 

Workshops on: Comics and biography, Auto/biography and photography, Film, narrative and biography & Historical/archival biographical research.

Places are limited to 80.

If you would like to attend please send  your name, email,  contact details and any  dietary requirements  with a cheque   for £25 to: 
Jo Cheseldine - [log in to unmask]

School of Applied Social Sciences
University of Durham
Elvet Riverside 2
New Elvet

Tel.  0191 3341400

For more information about the conference contact:
Jo Cheseldine at [log in to unmask]
 OR Maggie O'Neill [log in to unmask]

There will be screening Rufus Stone the movie on this occasion followed by a Q&A with the film's Exec Producer and author, Kip Jones.

Dr Kip Jones
Reader in Qualitative Research
Centre for Qualitative Research
Leader, Performative Social Science Group
School of Health & Social Care and The Media School
Bournemouth University
Bournemouth, UK
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