

Sorry Martin, I know I originally said both pre-Dev8D  surgeries were going to be webinars but we ended up not having enough time to organise a webinar for the JLeRN one, it's been helter skelter trying to get all this organised in time for Dev8D so we've ended up with the JLeRN surgery just being a time slot for Bharti to make herself available.

That said, if anyone wants to ask Bharti and Nick Syrotiuk any questions or get help with the JLeRN work outwith the surgery time, please do just contact them! [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask]


From: Open Educational Resources [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Martin Hawksey [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 06 February 2012 10:30
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: JLeRN / Learning Registry surgery today! 10:30-11:30

Are these (if not can they be) open surgeries e.g. a shared webinar url/google hangout where anyone can pop in? I ask because I don't have any questions yet, but am interested in what other people are asking.


On 6 February 2012 10:13, Sarah Currier <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
Good morning all,

Just a Monday morning reminder that if you are interested in paradata / usage data around OER, and would like to talk with one of our JLeRN technical team about the JLeRN Learning Registry node, Bharti Gupta is hosting a surgery from 10:30-11<tel:30-11>:30 this morning! Email her on [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> to let her know you want to talk.

This surgery has been set up in support of the JLeRN Dev8D Paradata Developers' Challenge, but even if you don't think you can put something together for the Challenge, please do take advantage of this opportunity to speak with Bharti about the Learning Registry!

Best wishes,

Sarah Currier  |  Jorum Technical Coordinator (R&D Projects)  |  JLeRN Experiment Project Lead

Mimas  |  Roscoe Building (5th Floor)  |  Oxford Road  |  The University of Manchester  |  Manchester  |  United Kingdom  |  M13 9PL

Tel.: +44 (0)161 275 6034<tel:%2B44%20%280%29161%20275%206034> (ext. 56034)  |  Mob.: +44 (0)7980855801<tel:%2B44%20%280%297980855801>

E-mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>