
IGRS Graduate Forum
9th February Session
Stewart House, ST275

February Session: Literary Flights from Identity, Language and Knowledge Systems

We are pleased to announce our February session, this coming Thursday, where our three papers will engage with different ways in which literary writing can challenge and shift between established structures, languages, identities, and discourses. Our speakers are:

Max Haberich
University of Cambridge
“Arthur Schnitzler and Jakob Wassermann: A Struggle of German-Jewish Identities”

M.E. Kolkenbrock
University of Cambridge
"The 'elegant' Viennese and the 'Dame'. Arthur Schnitzler's 'Traumnovelle' as cliffhanger novella"

Marta Perez-Carbonell
Royal Holloway
“The effects of language choice and intralingual translation in Todas las almas, Corazón tan blanco and Mañana en la batalla piensa en mí, by Javier Marías”

We hope to see you there!

The Graduate Forum Team.

Arnhilt Johanna Hoefle
Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies (IGRS)
School of Advanced Study, University of London