

Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction
July 8– 21, 2011<>

Where: Graduate School of Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam

Goal: Seeks to provide a multi disciplinary approach to the study of addiction and to promote opportunities for international networking among participants

Participants: Individuals with a focused interest in addiction research and treatment, Master's and PhD students, NGO staff working on addiction-related issues, professionals in human services, practitioners and advocates.

Scientific Directors: Dr. Dennis McCarty (Oregon Health and Science University)

Programme: Guest lecturers include Dr. Wim van den Brink (University of Amsterdam), Dr. Reinout Wiers (University of Amsterdam)and many more. The latest updates can be seen on the website.

Application due: April 15, 2012. If your application is received before March 1, 2012, the €45 application fee will be waived.

Universiteit van Amsterdam | Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Summer Institute  | P.O. Box 26 | 1000 AA Amsterdam
Kloveniersburgwal 48,  | 1012CX Amsterdam
T +31 20 525 3776 | F +31 20 525 3778||
Office open mo | tue| wed| thurs