

Hello everyone

This is to introduce myself to the group. I work at the University of Auckland, until recently as the lone community psychologist in our department. I've now been joined by Shiloh Groot who works with homeless people in Auckland.

I am interested in any psychological knowledge or methods that can help us work effectively with community groups and contribute to human wellbeing. I've done experiments, surveys, programme evaluations, interviews and lots of action research. I spend vast amounts of time writing reports, giving presentations and working with groups - and somewhat less time writing articles for academic journals! My most recent project is a book Psychology for a Better World: Strategies to Inspire Sustainability, the details of which Mark posted a few weeks ago (free to download from<> in case you missed it). I really wanted to share a psychology research perspective with people working on sustainability. As a community psychologist, I see sustainability and social justice issues as entwined. Sustainability has become my focus because I feel clear about my responsibility and right to contribute to this issue. I also feel that those of us who have thought a lot about people as social creatures have an important perspective to contribute. I am saddened by the demise of the humanities and worry sometimes about the dominance of "science" (especially in psychology), although I draw on a great deal of scientific studies in my research and practice.

New Zealand is a long way from the UK, and I try not to travel much, so am very interested in exploring virtual forms of communication.

It is nice to be with you.


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