

Hi Giorgo,

Just to say that we routinely, and often, do these sorts of
experiments on ID29 and ID23-1 at the ESRF using  an energy of 20 keV
(~0.62 Angstrom wavelength) and detector distances that allow
collection of data to a resolution of better than 0.7A. Mini-kappa
goniometers also allow for the collection of data in more than one
crystal orientation in the case of completeness problems.

As has already been pointed out by others who have replied to your
posting,  the processing of the images with MOSFLM or XDS is usually
pretty straightforward as is structure solution using direct methods.

Hope this helps


At 12:41 08/02/2012, Giorgio Giardina wrote:
>I have some interesting small molecule xtals.
>I was wondering if it is possible to collect a small molecule
>data-set using a sincrotron macromolecular  xtallography beam line,
>maybe with a very low beam intensity and moving the detector as
>close as possible?
>Has anybody experienced that?
>And if I get the images back home,  can I process them using
>standard macromolecular software or do I need ab-initio special programs?
>Will MR work for phasing?
>Thanks in advance,