

Tears in the Fence
an independent, international literary magazine

Tears in the Fence is a community of poets, writers and readers that are exploring different literary ways forward. It is marked by openness and difference rather than closure and by humanitarianism rather than any dogma. Each issue has poets and writers from around the world, translations and a substantial critical section with essays, reviews, articles and commentaries.

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Issue 54 is now available and Issue 55 is being compiled as you read this.
Issue 54 features poetry, translations and prose by writers including Carrie Etter, Ziba Karbassi, John Kinsella, Gerald Locklin, Catherine McMamara, Jeremy Reed and Seán Street.
The critical section features Jennifer K. Dick on Michelle Naka Pierce, Nigel Wheale on Peter Riley, John Welch on Fawzi Karim and D. M. Black, Steve Spence on Tim Allen and Rupert Loydell, Nathaniel Tarn on Lindsay Hill, Barry Hill & John Wolesley and Anthony Barnett’s Antonyms on Aimé Césaire and D.S. Marriott.

We welcome Dzifa Benson to Tears in the Fence as website editor. She has been a regular reviewer for the magazine for many years now. She will also be co-ordinating our future events and editing this newsletter. She welcomes contributions to the blog and newsletter as this is a vehicle to link and unite the community of writers and readers that support the magazine. We welcome literary news, notices, details of events, festivals and conferences as well as competitions and other literary related information that might be of interest. Dzifa blogs at Small Objects of Desire and Sister Siren's Room. 

Purchase Tears in the Fence:
Single copies are £7.
UK subscriptions are £20 for three issues or £36 for six issues.
Elsewhere £25 for three issues. Please make cheques payable to Tears in the Fence
and send to Ian Brinton Brescia House, 2 Capel Road, Faversham, Kent ME13 8RL.
You can also subscribe through BACS. Account Name: Tears in the Fence
Account Number 81198564. Sort Code 40-12-18.

As part of our improvements to the magazine, all overseas copies will now be sent by airmail.
Please buy a copy for a friend, subscribe and donate to the magazine through the website. Please pass on this newsletter to anyone you think might be interested. 

Julia Swindells:
I am grateful to Jonty Driver for advising Julia Swindells to submit some poems to the magazine. I greatly enjoyed working with her on the development of her poems and discussing the civic responsibility of being a poet. She was an engaging and enthusiastic woman eager to learn about modern poetry and criticism. I think that she enjoyed our critical connection. We corresponded regularly right up to her death. I miss here correspondence.
‘Narghile Visions’, published in issue 54, was the last poem that she worked on with my notes. Sadly, Julia resigned her position as Professor of English at Anglia Ruskin University and took her own life by drowning in the river Cam on 29 October 2011. Lisa Jardine wrote an obituary in The Guardian. 

We would like to thank the following for their donations to the magazine:

David Ball
Blair Ewing
Chris Hardy
Gary Lechliter
Pauline Suett Barbieri
Jackie Sullivan
George Ttoouli
Jessie Volk

We are determined to ensure that the magazine thrives during these difficult economic times. Thank you for your help in supporting the magazine.
David Caddy, Editor