

Friday: 2 March:  6.00


Ian C. Davidson will speak on ‘Automobility in Bill Griffiths and George Oppen’, Research Seminar in Innovative Poetry, Senate House, University of London, Russell Square WC1.


Saturday: 17 March: Runnymede Festival in London:


12.00-2.00: Readings and performances by students on the MA in Poetic Practice.


2.15-3.15: John Kinsella and Amy Evans


3.30-4.30: Luke Roberts and Justin Katko


5.00-6.00: Jennifer Cooke and Tony Lopez


Plus videos by Kreider & O’Leary ....


At The Centre for Creative Collaboration, 16 Acton Street, London WC1 9NG. (King’s Cross Tube)



Friday: 30 March: 6.00


Professor Susan Rudy, ‘“If everything is moving, where is here?”: Lisa Robertson’s Occasional Work on Cities, Space and Impermanence’. Research Seminar in Innovative Poetry, Senate House, University of London, Russell Square WC1.




All events free. All welcome.



Prof. Robert Hampson FEA, FRSA

Professor of Modern Literature,

English Department,

Royal Holloway, University of London