

A good opportunity to tell people about Lab Tests Online UK.


On 14 Feb 2012, at 16:16, Jonathan Kay wrote:

> "Tests and Treatment
> Fewer outpatients had any tests, such as x-rays, scans or blood tests, done when they last visited the outpatients department, (50% compared with 61% in 2009). Again, this could be a reflection of there being fewer respondents who responded to the survey attending for the first time, as 60% of first time attendees had tests or treatment compared with 58% of repeat attendees.
> Of those who did have tests in 2011, 7% felt that the member of staff did not explain why they needed the tests in a way that they could understand. A further 18% were not told how they would find out the results of their tests.
> The proportion of all outpatients who felt that the results of their tests were not explained in a way that they could understand has increased from 9% in 2009 to 11% in 2011. A higher proportion of respondents who were first time attendees than repeat attendees to the outpatients department felt that a member of staff explained their results in a way that they could ‘definitely’ understand (64% and 60% respectively).
> The proportion of those who were never told the results of their tests has not changed since 2009 and remains at 5%."
> Jonathan

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