

i've lost the network at cern. may be late.

Jeremy Coles <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear All

There will be an ops meeting today at 11am in EVO (we'll try Vidyo in the coming weeks). The agenda is here:

It has been decided (by the PMB in agreement with NGS/NGI management) that once a month the first part of the ops meeting will be used to discuss NGI matters and John Gordon will lead that part of the agenda and this is the case for today. The rest of today's meeting will be used for standing items to bring us all up-to-date with how things ran over the holiday period and confirm priorities for the coming months.

For minutes the list suggests: Wahid=2 Alessandra=2 Duncan=2 Stuart=2 Andrew=2 Ewan=2 David=3 Matt=3 Stephen=3 Catalin=3
