A PhD position in neuroimaging of major psychiatric disorders is available in the laboratory of Dr Fabio Sambataro, MD, PhD, at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy. This position will begin as a predoctoral fellowship for this year, and PhD position will start from January 2013. The overall aim of our research is to study the neural and genetic mechanisms of psychosis using magnetic resonance imaging with a specific focus at bipolar disorders and schizophrenia.
- Screening and recruitment of participants
- Acquisition of structural and functional imaging data
- Preprocessing Analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data with univariate and multivariate analysis using SPM, MATLAB, FSL, AFNI
- Performing statistical analysis on genetic and neuropsychological data
- task designing, writing progress reports and papers
- presenting results at international conferences
Qualifications: Bachelor degree and research experience. Master’s degree preferred in Psychology, Sociology, or other related behavioral or social science or Medicine. Previous experience with quantitative analyses (SPSS or R) or with MRI data collection and analyses is preferred. A good knowledge of English is required. Fluency in Italian is preferred.

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, two reference letters, and detailed CV to: [log in to unmask] 


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