

Dear SPM users,

I have some questions about topological FDR.

1/ What is the mean of FDRp: Inf?

2/ I am not sure of how can we apply topological FDR on our results. I have seen in the forum an example: Use a T=3 to obtain the FWEc and the FDR p/c and then use the values when going through the results procedure again.
Is T=3 corresponded to p<0.001? How can we obtain a p=0.05? Is it correct to work with a p =0.05 for topological FDR?
In my results I have FWEp: 4.561, FDRp: Inf, FWEc:3641, FDRc: Inf! I don't really understand what I am supposed to do! Somebody can help me?
If I use the FWEc, is it correct? What is the difference between FDRp and FDRc?

3/I don't understand the difference between p and q? It is in the cluster level and the peak level in whole brain: pFWE-corr? qFDR-corr?

4/ If defaults.stats.topoFDR is at 0, topological FDR can be applied? 

Thank you for your help!