

Hello All,
Happy new year Š Iım looking for people who are teaching sustainable design
whoıd be willing to talk with me about their experiences and the materials
they use in teaching. (Iım sorry if some people may have gotten this message
through other channels as well.) If you'd be willing to discuss these issues
with me further sometime during the next couple of months please email me
OFF THE LIST (ann [at] to set up a time.
During the last 4 years, hundreds of people have downloaded the teaching
guide for my book ³The Designer's Atlas of Sustainability.² Many
universities use the book as a core element in sustainable design courses.
But I feel it's time to take stock of these and other materials that aim to
support teachers in sustainable design. Iıll be making my findings available
to all, and ideally the process will lead in some useful new directions.
Many thanks,

Ann Thorpe, PhD
American Association of Architects, Associate
Design Research Society
+44 (0)77 1747 1606, London
Forthcoming book: Architecture & Design versus Consumerism: how design
activism confronts growth (Earthscan/Routledge, July 2012)
book: The Designer's Atlas of Sustainability (
twitter: @atlasann
skype: atlasann