

Dear  Colleagues,

I am posting 3 subjects of interest to this group.

*(1):-- Suicide by burning in the South Asian origin population in England
and Wales*:I thought this subject would be of interest; This study
shows Suicide
by burning remains a significant issue in the South Asian origin
working-age population in England and Wales. A prevention strategy should
target working-age people of South Asian origin born abroad as they are at
the highest risk.

*(2):-- I draw your attention to a piece by Dr Richard Stone who was a
panel member of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry as an adviser to the judge,
Sir William Macpherson,*
 The last two paragraphs has a poignant message for health and social care.
In an era where racism has been airbrushed out of Govt health and social
care policies,  the diminishing emphasis on ethnic data gathering, the
Count -Me In Census being the most recent and no significant strategic
monitoring or surveillance of the quality of care and experience for BME
people (CQC), it could give an impression that the challenges are only with
the police.

(3):---- A ground breaking study on Radicalisation will be posted shortly.
This subject along with other topical cultural psychiatry themes, feature
in our WACP Congress in March. The Newsletter gives more information.

 Follow careif on Twitter @careif



*Co-founder and Director.
The Centre for Applied Research and Evaluation- International Foundation.
Centre for Psychiatry
Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine
Barts and The London, Queen Mary's School of Medicine & Dentistry
Old Anatomy Building
Charterhouse Square
London EC1M 6BQ
*CAREIF* - *Centre for Applied Research and Evaluation International
Foundation* - is an *International Mental Health Charity
*Visit our website:

*The World Association of Cultural Psychiatry* with *CAREIF* announces the *3rd
World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry
*9-11th March 2012, at Queen Mary; University of London in - London Olympic
Year - the theme being; *YOUNG PEOPLE* - Mental Capital, Mental Disorders,
Resilience & Wellbeing - *featuring health opportunities and chances,
bio-psycho-social, spiritual and cultural syntheses with a special focus on
life course approaches to humanities,the arts, sports, research and health