
***             CALL FOR PAPERS - GENETIC ALGORITHMS (GA) TRACK           ***


***                   July 7-11, 2012,  Philadelphia, USA                 ***

***                         Organized by ACM SIGEVO                       ***

***                     http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2012                  ***



Dear Colleagues,


We invite you to submit a paper to the GA track at GECCO 2012.


The Genetic Algorithm (GA) track has always been the largest scientific track at GECCO. We invite submissions to the GA track that present original work on all aspects of genetic algorithms, including, but not limited to:


    1. Practical and theoretical aspects of GAs

    2. Design of new GA operators including representations, fitness functions, initialization, termination, selection, recombination, and mutation

    3. Design of new and improved GAs

    4. Comparisons with other methods (e.g., empirical performance analysis)

    5. Hybrid approaches (e.g., memetic algorithms)

    6. Design of tailored GAs for new application areas

    7. Handling uncertainty (e.g., dynamic and stochastic problems, robustness)

    8. Metamodeling and surrogate assisted evolution

    9. Interactive GAs

    10. Co-evolutionary algorithms

    11. Parameter tuning & control (including adaptation and meta-GAs)

    12. Constraint Handling

    13. Diversity Control (e.g., Fitness Sharing & Crowding, Automatic Speciation, Spatial models such as Island/Diffusion)


As a large and diverse track, the GA track will be an excellent opportunity to present and discuss your research/application with a wide variety of experts and participants of GECCO.




* Submission deadline             : January 13, 2012

* Notification of paper acceptance: March 13, 2012

* Camera-ready submission deadline: April 9, 2012

* Conference                      : July 7-11, 2012


For conference details and submission instructions, visit: http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2012/

Be sure to check the GECCO 2012 website for updates as the paper submission deadline approaches.


Looking forward to meeting you in Philadelphia!


Daniel Tauritz, Missouri University of Science and Technology ([log in to unmask])

Khaled Rasheed, University of Georgia ([log in to unmask])

2012 GECCO GA Track Co-Chairs