

*Rock deformation from Field, Experiments and Theory*

A conference in honour of Ernie Rutter's outstanding contribution to the 
field of Rock Deformation.

30^th and 31^st of May 2012 at the Geological Society in London

Dan Faulkner, Betty Mariani, Steve Covey-Crump and I are organising a 
conference in honour of Ernie Rutter to celebrate his long career and 
substantial contribution to the field of Rock Deformation and Structural 
Geology.After the initial mail shot we had response from many of Ernie's 
colleagues and friends in our community offering presentations.So we 
will have a very interesting programme of talks and posters and some 
lively discussion on the day.Fugro Robertson kindly agreed to sponsor 
the conference and some are other companies are interested but have not 
committed any funds yet.

The abstract submission deadline is 30^th March 2012.

Keynote speakers for each of the three sessions are:

Prof. Rick Sibson(Field)

Prof. Chris Spiers(Experiments)

Prof. David Mainprice(Theory)

For more information visit:

Registration fees:

  * Fellow - £80
  * Non Fellow - £120
  * Retired - £60
  * Student - £50

We look forward to seeing you in London in May.


Julian, Dan, Betty and Steve