

Thanks to Mark and to all colleagues who responded to my message.


"Mark G. Rowan" <[log in to unmask]> ha scritto:

> Hi all,
> Just noticed these postings - a little late as usual...
> Andrea, there are published values that support Frank's numbers for  
> deepwater foldbelts - see Rowan, Peel, & Vendeville 2004 (AAPG  
> Memoir 82). Values range from 0.1 mm/yr to 0.5 mm/yr for both the  
> GoM and the Kwanza Basin. Other restorations I have done in the GoM  
> are consistent with this range. Frank cited the thickness of the  
> overburden as a likely explanation for the differences in rates  
> between the deep and shallow levels. Another factor is the salt  
> detachment itself: thick salt in the canopies vs thin to welded salt  
> at the deep level, hence more frictional resistance at depth.
> Mark

Andrea Billi (PhD)
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IGAG,
c.o. Dipartimento Scienze della Terra,
Sapienza Università di Roma,
P.le A. Moro 5, 00185, Rome, Italy.

Phone: +39 06-49914955
Skype: a.billi
Email: [log in to unmask]
Web site:

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