Hi All

I would like to advertise our session at the 34th IGC in Brisbane, 5-10 August 2012.  The abstract deadline is 17th February. http://www.34igc.org/scientific-themes-symposia.php 

9.6 Global sulfur cycle and impact on metallogenesis    


Andy TOMKINS [log in to unmask] (Australia), Iain PITCAIRN (Sweden) and Katy EVANS (Australia)

Formation of many of the Earth’s mineral deposits was intimately tied to the global sulfur cycle because their metals are chalcophile or are carried in hydrothermal fluids as sulfide complexes. In recent years there have been significant advances in understanding the global sulfur cycle and how it has changed over time, and some researchers have started to apply this to improving global tectonic models and secular models for ore deposit genesis. This session is intended to further develop this research direction and welcomes contributions that advance our knowledge of the global sulfur cycle and that show us how this has influenced mineral deposit formation and their secular distribution.

Keynote speaker: David LEACH (USA)

Iain Pitcairn

Senior Lecturer in Ore Geology
Department of Geological Sciences,
Stockholm University,
10691 Stockholm, Sweden.

phone:  +46 (0)8 6747838
mobile: +46 (0)704627971

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