

hi all

I have 3 fmri sessions for each subject, they have different lenghts and different stimulus onset. so i cannot run a tensor ICA (for 2nd reason) but i cannot also run a temporal concatenation ICA (for 1st reason).
I should be able to just run a single session subject ICA. my final output is (3 x num_subj )  filtered_func_data.nii.gz and melodic_IC.nii.gz

my preliminar goal is to obtain a 3session mean of a RSN and compare it (after dual regression) between two groups. 
If they were fmri analysis I would apply a repeated measure analysis 

           s1      s2
img1    1      0
img2    1      0
img3    1      0
img4    0      1
img5    0      1
img6    0      1

over 1st level contrast, obtaining a mean image for each contrast,. but here , with melodic and no contrasts how can i procede ??
thanks in advance