

Hi everyone,

I need a timing estimation for a study of tbss for a big amount of subject (N = 50, N=100, or even N=150), and I saw in one formula that there is an approximation for the non linear registration (tbss_2_reg) for all-subjects-to-all-subjects options ( 5min x N x N). I did an experiment for N = 4, N = 8, N=13 using t test and this options for N=13:
fsl4.1-tbss_1_preproc *.nii.gz
fsl4.1-tbss_2_reg -n
fsl4.1-tbss_3_postreg -S
fsl4.1-tbss_4_prestats 0.2
cd FA
fsl4.imglob *_FA.*
cd ../stats
fsl4.1-design_ttest2 design 7 6
fsl4.1-randomise -i all_FA_skeletonised.nii.gz -o tbss -m mean_FA_skeleton_mask.nii.gz -d design.mat -t design.con -n 500 --T2 -V
fsl4.1-tbss_fill tbss_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz 0.95 mean_FA.nii.gz tbss_fill

- could you give me any hint of formula for each step of TBSS, please? 
I know that it also depends on the computer you use, but I need any hint (mine is a Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00GHz 3.2 GB RAM that runs in ubuntu).
- Is it possible to do tbss for a N=150 group of subjects?

Thanks in advance,

Alba Garin
Simulation Area
Applied Mechanics
CEIT Research Centre
San Sebastian - Spain